Cards (522)

  • What do body cells consume during metabolic activities?
    Oxygen and nutrients
  • Why must waste products be eliminated from the body?
    They can be toxic to cells if accumulated
  • Which system rids the body of carbon dioxide?
    Respiratory system
  • What does the urinary system dispose of?
    Most other waste products
  • How does the urinary system remove wastes?
    By excreting them into urine
  • Besides waste disposal, what is another function of the urinary system?
    Regulating blood composition and pH
  • What hormones does the urinary system produce?
    Calcitriol and erythropoietin
  • What are the main functions of the urinary system?
    • Excretion of wastes
    • Regulation of blood composition
    • Regulation of blood pH
    • Regulation of blood volume and pressure
    • Maintenance of blood osmolarity
    • Production of hormones
  • What fluid do the kidneys excrete wastes into?
  • What is nephrology?
    The study of kidneys' anatomy and physiology
  • What is the medical field that deals with urinary systems called?
  • What is a physician specializing in urology called?
  • What are the components of the urinary system?
    • Two kidneys
    • Two ureters
    • One urinary bladder
    • One urethra
  • What do the kidneys regulate in the blood?
    Blood volume and composition
  • What do ureters do?
    Transport urine from kidneys to bladder
  • What is the function of the urinary bladder?
    Stores urine until expulsion
  • What does the urethra do?
    Discharges urine from the body
  • What are nitrogenous wastes?
    Waste products that contain nitrogen
  • What metabolic reactions produce urea and ammonia?
    Deamination of amino acids
  • What is creatinine a product of?
    Breakdown of creatine phosphate
  • What produces uric acid?
    Catabolism of nucleic acids
  • What is urobilin a product of?
    Breakdown of hemoglobin
  • How do kidneys regulate blood ionic composition?
    By adjusting ion excretion in urine
  • What ions do kidneys primarily regulate?
    Sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphate
  • How do kidneys help regulate blood pH?
    By excreting hydrogen ions and conserving bicarbonate
  • How do kidneys regulate blood volume?
    By conserving or eliminating water in urine
  • What enzyme do kidneys secrete to regulate blood pressure?
  • What is the osmolarity of blood maintained by kidneys?
    Close to 300 milliosmoles per liter
  • What hormones do kidneys produce?
    Calcitriol and erythropoietin
  • How do kidneys regulate blood glucose levels?
    By using glutamine in gluconeogenesis
  • What is the composition of urine?
    • Water
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric acid
    • Ions
    • Other substances in excess
  • What is the external shape of a typical adult kidney?
    Kidney bean-shaped
  • Where are the kidneys located?
    Above the waist, retroperitoneal
  • Why is the right kidney lower than the left?
    Because of the liver's position
  • What is the size of a typical adult kidney?
    10–12 cm long
  • What is the renal hilum?
    An indentation where structures enter/exit kidney
  • What are the three layers of tissue surrounding each kidney?
    Renal capsule, adipose capsule, renal fascia
  • What is the function of the renal capsule?
    Protects against trauma and maintains shape
  • What does the adipose capsule do?
    Protects kidney from trauma and holds it in place
  • What is the role of the renal fascia?
    Anchors kidney to surrounding structures