Behavioural explanation phobia

Cards (10)

  • What is the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias

    Way of explaining behaviour in terms of observation and learning
  • what is the two process model of the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias

    acquisition of phobias through classical conditioning
    maintainance of phobias through operant conditioning
  • how does classical conditioning work in the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias
    fearful thing (unconditioned stimulus) >>> fear (unconditioned response)
    spider (neutral stimulus) >>> no response
    fearful thing+spider >(over time)>> >>>>>>>>fear
    spider (conditioned stimul) >> fear (conditioned response)
  • How does operant conditioning work
    In the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias
    Person learns that avoiding phobia prevents feeling fear, negatively reinforcing avoidant behaviour- likely to be repeated
  • what is classical conditioning
    associate 2 stimuli together so respond the same way
  • what is operant conditioning
    learning to repeat or not a behaviour based on consequence
  • one strength of the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias
    supporting study by watson + rayner ‘little albert study’ - demonstrates classical conditioning by teaching albert to fear rats by associating rat with loud bang
  • strength of the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias
    supporting evidence found 73% people scared of dentist had painful experience there > increases validity
  • weakness of the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias
    doesnt account for biological reason = common phobias like spiders develop without association or trauma its biological. humans biologically prepared to develop fear of spider because dangerous to ancestors
  • strength of the behaviorist approach to explaining phobias
    application through exposure therapy= patient exposed to phobia safely, stops avoidant behaviour, results in no association with phobia and fear