animal studies L3

Cards (17)

  • What year was Lorenz's study conducted?
  • What year was Harlow's study conducted?
  • What was the procedure in Lorenz's study?
    • One group of gosling eggs with natural mother
    • Other eggs placed in an incubator
    • Observed imprinting on the first moving object
  • What was the procedure in Harlow's study?
    • Created two mother surrogates
    • One surrogate wrapped in soft cloth
    • Milk bottle placed on both surrogates
    • Observed time spent with each surrogate
  • What did Lorenz find about the goslings' behavior?
    They followed the first moving object, Lorenz
  • What did Harlow find about the motherless monkeys' behavior?
    They spent most time with the cloth-covered mother
  • What happens if goslings are not exposed to a moving object during the critical period?
    They do not imprint
  • What did Harlow find about the development of motherless monkeys?
    They developed socially and sexually abnormal behaviors
  • What did Lorenz note about the process of imprinting?
    It is irreversible and long-lasting
  • What did Harlow find about recovery in motherless monkeys?
    Recovery possible if with peers before three months
  • What is a criticism of Harlow's study?
    • Confounding variables in surrogate design
    • Differences in heads of surrogates
    • Lack of internal validity
  • What did Guiton find regarding imprinting in chickens?
    Chickens imprinted on yellow rubber gloves
  • What is the original concept of imprinting according to Lorenz?
    An image is stamped irreversibly on the nervous system
  • How has the understanding of imprinting changed?
    Imprinting is now believed to be more flexible
  • What are the implications of Harlow's findings for human attachment?
    • Findings mirrored in human attachment
    • Suggests importance of sensitive responding
    • Animal studies provide pointers for human behavior
  • What is the ultimate aim of animal studies in psychology?
    To generalize conclusions to human behavior
  • How does learning differ from imprinting?
    Learning can be rapid and reversible