bowlby's theory L5

Cards (17)

  • What does attachment behavior serve in terms of survival?
    It enhances survival chances
  • What is the main principle of Bowlby's theory?
    Strong attachment is adaptive for survival
  • According to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, what enhances survival and reproduction?
    Genetically determined behaviors
  • What happens to infants who are not attached?
    They are less well protected
  • What is the critical period for forming attachments according to Bowlby?
    Around 3-6 months
  • How does Bowlby compare the selection of traits in nature to farming?
    Both involve selecting desirable characteristics
  • What is the environment of evolutionary adaptiveness (EEA)?
    The environment to which species are adapted
  • What are social releasers in infants?
    Features that elicit caregiving
  • What does Bowlby propose about infants and their attachments?
    Infants have one special emotional bond
  • What is the term for the mental representation of an attachment relationship?
    Internal working model
  • What does the continuity hypothesis propose?
    Strong attachments in infancy lead to competence
  • Why is it vital for infants to form attachments during the critical period?
    To ensure protection from caregivers
  • What does the multiple attachment model claim?
    All attachment figures are equivalent
  • How does Prior and Glaser's review support Bowlby's concept of monotropy?
    It favors a hierarchical model of attachment
  • What is the significance of Bowlby's claim about early attachment?
    It affects subsequent relationships
  • What is a social releaser?
    A behavior that elicits caregiving
  • How does Bowlby's theory relate to emotional security in adulthood?
    Early attachments lead to emotional security