A dynamic process which reflects the tendency for a group to stick together & remain united in pursuit of its instrumental objectives &/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs
Constantly changing in response to group goals, individual & group conflicts & resolution of those conflicts
Team unity, team spirit, teamwork
Words for cohesion often referred to
Cohesiveness → Team Success
Having cohesion directly related to team success
Definition of Cohesion
To ensure team success & reducing faulty processes
To make team coordinating well together
Need common objective, that they have agreed upon
People feel good about being in team
Good relationships + look out for each other
Team cohesion constantly changing, to changing goals within the team
Whether individual or group conflict - new members, or someone injured (whether they can be resolved with influence cohesion)
Definition of Cohesion
A dynamic process which reflects the tendency for a group to stick together & remain united in pursuit of its instrumental objectives &/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs
Definition of Cohesion
Cohesiveness → Team Success
Having cohesion directly related to team success
What makes your/a team Cohesive?
Share common goal - what they want to achieve from the team
Being mates with them
Connects trust quickly
Bit of enjoyment, humour (group norms)
Respect for each others, skills you bring in to team or when someone is having an off day
Longer time been together - more cohesive gonna be (stable team)
Provides opportunity to create that cohesion
Dimensions of Cohesion
Social Cohesion (interpersonal attraction)
Degree to which team members like each other & enjoy each others company
Team spirit - positivity team creates
Task Cohesion
Degree to which team members work together to achieve a specific & identifiable task
Dimensions of Cohesion
Social Cohesion (interpersonal attraction)
Degree to which team members like each other & enjoy each others company
Team spirit - positivity team creates
Attraction you have w/ the people you are participating with
Enjoy training as with good teammates
Dimensions of Cohesion
Task Cohesion
Degree to which team members work together to achieve a specific & identifiable task
To achieve specific group goal
The work team is doing together for a particular goal
Get all players to feed into and agree on team goal
If got some unsure about achieving goal - then team cohesion will reduce (not all buying into it)
As long as team goals can still perform well (even without good social cohesion)
Task cohesion more important for overall performance
Dimensions of Cohesion
Example: We had to create a team & that’s a bit of a different challenge from going out & finding some stars… What we have is a commodity of teamliness & sticking together & work ethic & all these sorts of things which I’ve sort of defined as ‘mettle’. And when we click… we can play & beat anybody
Teamiliness, teamwork, working for same goal
Cohesion & Performance Relationship
Cohesiveness → Team Performance
In general, there is a positive relationship bw/ Social & Task cohesion & performance
Relationship may be stronger for Task than Social cohesion
Cohesion-performance relationship is greater in female sports
Cohesiveness ← Team Performance
Performance is also related to cohesion
Cohesion & Performance Relationship
Cohesiveness → Team Performance
Cohesiveness ← Team Performance
2 way relationship
What comes first?
Need cohesive team to start with for team performance to be impacted, the individual performances monitored (accountable), then cohesiveness will grow even further
Cohesion & Performance Relationship
Cohesiveness → Team Performance
In general, there is a positive relationship bw/ Social & Task cohesion & performance
Relationship may be stronger for Task than Social cohesion
Affect on performance greater when having common goal, rather than a team that likes each other
As long as common goal to focus on
If can create cohesive team will have positive outcome for team performance
Cohesion & Performance Relationship
Cohesiveness → Team Performance
In general, there is a positive relationship bw/ Social & Task cohesion & performance
Cohesion-performance relationship is greater in female sports
Guys can still perform well even if are less cohesive
Not sure why?
Perhaps can perform well even when don't like each other
Cohesion & Performance Relationship
Cohesiveness ← Team Performance
Performance is also related to cohesion
Team performance also build cohesiveness
More team is performing well, more cohesive team will become
Cracks when, not performing well
Start to blame
Change communication patterns
Video: Team Cohesion in Sport - Example of Good & Bad Team Cohesion
Greater cohesion, greater performance
Some words shown in video
Illustrates different types of teams, task cohesion but also social cohesion (for overall good cohesion)
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Coordinated action bw/ individuals not required
eg golfing
Coactive Dependence
Members perform similar tasks simultaneously for success
eg rowing, synchronised diving
Reactive & Proactive Dependence
1 member initiates action; another completes it
eg netball, cricket
Interactive Dependence
Members mutually dependent on each other for success
eg hockey, waterpolo
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Reason: not 100% cohesion as is based on type of team involved as some teams might not need that level of cohesion for performance - so look at types of teams
Depending on type of team with influence cohesion-performance relationship
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Coordinated action bw/ individuals not required
eg golfing
Good cohesion doesn't influence performance
Don't need coordination development
Won't be faulty processed due to less cohesion
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Coactive Dependence
Members perform similar tasks simultaneously for success
eg rowing, synchronised diving
Members of team performing similar task simultaneously
Perform well at same time
More interaction, as need to coordinate together, but my performance isn't dependent on other
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Reactive & Proactive Dependence
1 member initiates action; another completes it
eg netball, cricket
One throws, another catches
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Interactive Dependence
Members mutually dependent on each other for success
eg hockey, waterpolo
Got to do things independently, & coordinate with team mates
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Independence (no coordinated action bw/ individuals)
Coactive Dependence (similar tasks performed simultaneously)
Reactive & proactive dependence (1 initiates the other completes)
Leads to:
Similar cohesion → performance relationships
Social cohesion & performance unrelated
These forms of teams not important that they like each other, as not needed to perform well or perform well as a team
Not so obvious why team cohesion is important (check)
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Independence (no coordinated action bw/ individuals)
Coactive Dependence (similar tasks performed simultaneously)
Reactive & proactive dependence (1 initiates the other completes)
Leads to:
Similar cohesion → performance relationships
Social cohesion & performance unrelated
These forms of teams not important that they like each other, as not needed to perform well or perform well as a team
Not so obvious why team cohesion is important (check)
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Interactive Dependence (mutual dependence within teammates)
Leads to:
Level of cohesion greatest
Social & Task cohesion + vely related to performance
eg netball, hockey
Social cohesion more important
Coordination important
Task Structure/Type of Teams
Interactive Dependence (mutual dependence within teammates)
Lead to:
Level of cohesion greatest
Social & Task cohesion + vely related to performance
Social cohesion more important
Have team building activities
Less emphasis on top, as not viewed as important (not same level of interaction)
Task more important in one while social more important in another - where task more important need to agree on goal & work together (even if don't like each other)
Developing Task Cohesion - Teamwork
Good communication
Everyone should feel comfortable to express thoughts & feelings
Team Goal Setting
Team members “buy into” the goal
Team evaluation of goal achievement
Role Clarity & Acceptance
Ensure importance of role is clear
(I want Tom in my team because…)
Creation of group norms (what does an ‘ideal’ teammate look like/behave?)
Positive reinforcement
Give 100% effort all the time
Developing Task Cohesion - Teamwork
Decrease amount of faulty processes due to poor coordination
Actual productivity should match our potential productivity through building taskcohesion
Developing Task Cohesion - Teamwork
Good communication
Everyone should feel comfortable to express thoughts & feelings
About team & individual performance
Also about how they are doing personally
Comfortable to express both positive & negative things
Norms & values how communicate as team
Developing Task Cohesion - Teamwork
Team Goal Setting
Team members “buy into” the goal
Team evaluation of goal achievement
Needs to be team goal, that team goal has a role in choosing
Need team input to create goal
Team processes what lead to team achievement
Developing Task Cohesion - Teamwork
Role Clarity & Acceptance
Ensure importance of role is clear
(I want Tom in my team because…)
Clear on what there goal is, and their role in achieving the goal
eg write why everyone is important in the team, team member given anonymous feedback (positive, & motivational)
To know why are valuable in team
Build confidence & motivation
Developing Task Cohesion - Teamwork
Creation of group norms (what does an ‘ideal’ teammate look like/behave?)
Positive reinforcement
Give 100% effort all the time
To decrease motivational losses (check)
What behaviours are acceptable
How did give positive reinforcement
& how phrase critical feedback
Think intrinsically - to be intrinsically motivated
Creating a team that is intrinsically motivated, will help optimal motivation
Developing Social Cohesion - Teamspirit
Group Identity/Distinctiveness
Look like a team
Get to know each other
Avoid cliques
Developing Social Cohesion - Teamspirit
Group Identity/Distinctiveness
Look like a team
What makes this team unique
What they wear
Talk about each other as a team
Developing Social Cohesion - Teamspirit
Get to know each other
Avoid cliques
Players that hang out together (& ignore others)
Both for social & task cohesion
Outside of a team situation
More social opportunities outside of sport environment