Fruits and seeds

Cards (48)

  • What perspective will be discussed regarding fruits?
    Botanical perspective
  • How can you remember what a fruit is?
    Anything that has seeds is a fruit
  • What is technically considered a vegetable?
    Anything that doesn't have seeds
  • What are fruits essentially described as?
    Ovaries that contain seeds
  • How do fruits form?
    From ovaries on the flower after pollination
  • What determines the number of seeds in a fruit?
    Number of eggs fertilized at the pistol's base
  • What are the three tissues that typically make up fruits?
    Exocarp, endocarp, mesocarp
  • What is the pericarp?
    All tissues surrounding the seed
  • What are the characteristics of fleshy fruits?
    Mesocarp is fleshy or moist
  • What are drupes?
    Fleshy fruits with a single seed
  • Give examples of drupes.
    Peach, cherry, olive
  • What defines a berry?
    A fleshy fruit with multiple seeds
  • What is a true berry?
    A berry with a thin exocarp
  • Name some examples of true berries.
    Tomatoes, grapes, blueberries
  • Why are strawberries and raspberries not considered true berries?
    They are a different type of fruit
  • What are pepos?
    Berries with a thick rind
  • Give examples of pepos.
    Cucumbers, pumpkins, squashes
  • What is a hesperidium?
    A type of berry with leathery skin
  • Which fruits are classified as hesperidia?
    Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons
  • What are pomes?
    Fruits from inferior ovaries
  • Name some examples of pomes.
    Apples, pears, rose hips
  • What characterizes dry fruits?
    Mesocarp is dry when mature
  • What are the two groups of dry fruits?
    Dehiscent and indehiscent fruits
  • What are dehiscent fruits?
    Fruits that split open when mature
  • Give examples of dehiscent fruits.
    Follicles and legumes
  • What is a follicle?
    A fruit that splits open on one side
  • What is a legume?
    A fruit that splits open on both sides
  • What differentiates a silique from a silicle?
    Length; silique is longer
  • What are capsules?
    Fruits that split open unpredictably
  • What is an achene?
    A dry fruit that does not split open
  • What is a nut?
    A hard pericarp with a fused seed
  • What is a grain also referred to as?
  • What characterizes caryopses?
    Pericarp tightly united with the seed
  • What is a samara?
    A fruit with a wing for dispersal
  • What are schizocarps?
    Fruits that break into one-seeded segments
  • What are aggregate fruits?
    Fruits from multiple pistils of one flower
  • Give examples of aggregate fruits.
    Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries
  • What are multiple fruits?
    Fruits from multiple flowers
  • Give examples of multiple fruits.
    Pineapples, figs, mulberries
  • How can fruits be dispersed?
    By wind, animals, or water