Positive benefits assumed to just happen from sport participation
2 General Questions in Sport Psych
How psychological factors affect performance?
How does participation influence psych development/well-being?
Such as character
Examples: Sport Builds ‘Character’ - Negative
Someone stomp on someone's back during a sports game
Verbal abuse towards referees
Linesman shoved by parent
Soccer ref died was punched by a teen player
Fights & Brawls in games
Racial taunts from spectators & opposition
Head budding a referee
Bounty: payed players to deliberately injury the opposition
Sport Builds ‘Character’ - Negative
Want it to but sometimes it doesn’t
Need research, so isn’t an assumption
Can build character, not automatic
Can also build negative character
Examples: Sport Builds ‘Character’ - Positive
Help injured opposition (sportsmanship)
Friendships built
Growing good people: teach rugby, but providing life skills & tools
Compassion beyond sportsmanship: hit home run to win the game, but injured self at first base, so opposition carried her round touching each base, but ref didn’t allow it, so opposition forfeited