Resource Management

Cards (21)

  • the energy mix related to the different energy sources we use as a country and in what proportions
  • energy mix is split into renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
  • fossil fuels are non-renewable and will run out and also pollute the atmosphere with greenhouse gasses
  • renewable energy sources will not run out and they are non-polluting
  • renewable energy takes up lots of land and also require regular maintenance
  • the UK's renewable energy sources make up just under 50% of the country's electricity, but only just over 35% of all energy from the national grid
  • up until the mid 20th century we were heavily reliant on coal, until oil drilling in the 1950s changed this. the government would like this to change again by 2020 to renewable energy
  • households are using less energy due to improvements in heating and heat conservation technologies such as insulation and triple glazing
  • industry is using less energy because most of our heavy industries have shut down, gone abroad or become much more energy efficient
  • we are using more energy for transport as the number of cars on our roads has gone up significantly
  • energy use is expected to fall which will result in the uk producing less energy
  • why are our energy resources in decline?
    • over exploitation - reserves of oil, coal and gas have been used up to a point where some coal mines have been closed
    • cost - it has become less economic to mine coal because it is deep underground and extracting it would be expensive
    • dangerous - it is difficult and dangerous to drill under the sea to reach oil and gas, there have been disasters relating to this e.g. piper alpha
  • 1% of the worlds water is fresh water
  • 1 in 8 people have to search for fresh water daily
  • 1 in 6 people have no access to a toilet
  • in LICs, unclean water leads to diseases such as diarrhoea caused by bacteria
  • surplus is where supply exceeds demand
  • a deficit is where demand exceeds supply
  • South America, North America and Asia have the largest proportion of the freshwater resources, however they also have a water surplus
  • high rainfall in an area can cause more water in rivers/aquifers so there is a water surplus
  • in a hot area, water can evaporate before it can be stored, causing a water deficit