Observational Techniques

Cards (19)

  • Observations-
    Research method where psychologist watches behaviour and records it.
  • This may be used when it is unethical or impossible to manipulate an IV.
  • Controlled-
    Takes place in a structured environment.
    Often created by the observer.
    Certain variables have been controlled by the observer.
  • Strengths-
    Researcher can focus on particular aspects of behaviour.
    Being controlled means extraneous variables are less of a problem.
    Internal Validity.
  • Weaknesses-
    Environment more controlled can sometimes impact on how ppts behave.
    Less natural due to environment.
  • Naturalistic-
    Carried out in everyday setting.
    Observer doesn't interfere or change any variables, merely observes the behaviour in question.
  • Strengths-
    Provides realistic picture of behaviour, therefore have high external validity- high ecological validity.
  • Weaknesses-
    Lack of control, maybe uncontrolled extraneous variables.
    Observations tend to be one offs, so therefore replication is hard.
  • Overt-
    Ppts are aware they are being observed.
  • Strengths-
    Ethical advantage to Covert Observations because ppts are aware of what's going on and have given consent.
  • Weaknesses-
    Means ppts behave differently to normal and behaviour is not as natural as ppts display demand characteristics.
  • Participant-
    Observations are made by a person who has become part of the group being observed. This affects objectivity.
  • Strengths-
    Provides real insight into ppts being studied and this richness may not be gained in any other way.
  • Weaknesses-
    Observer may identify too strongly with those they are studying and lose their objectivity.
  • Non participant-
    The observer is separate from the group being observed.
  • Strengths-
    More likely to remain objective, as aren't apart of the group being studied.
  • Weaknesses-
    May lose valuable insight into the ppts because they are too removed from the people and behaviour.
  • Strengths of Observations-
    Observations capture what people actually do.
    Better than self-report people often do not act as they say they would.
    Give special insight into behaviour.
  • Weaknesses of Observations-
    Observer bias
    Observer's interpretation of a situation may be affected by expectations.
    Reduced by using more than one observer.
    Cannot demonstrate casual relationships, may be used in experiments and identifying cause and effect.