life in germany

Cards (40)

  • How many people were unemployed by 1932?
    6 million
  • What was the compulsory scheme that provided jobs for men aged 18-25?
  • How much did the Nazis spend on job creation schemes in 1933
    37.1 billion marks
  • What was the name for the system of motorways built to create jobs?
  • Who was Hitler's first economic minister?
    Hjalmar Schacht
  • Who created the 4 year plan to boost the German economy?
    Hermann Goering
  • Germany wanted to become self-sufficient. This is known as achieving what?
  • Many people were excluded from work and did not appear on unemployment figures (e.g. Jews) What was this called?
    Invisible unemployment
  • Hitler also created jobs by investing in tanks, aircraft and ships. What was this called?

  • What organisation aimed to improve the leisure time of German workers?
    The KdF
  • When the Nazis banned all trade unions, what did they replace them with that banned strikes?
    The DAF
  • What were awarded to women with large families?
  • What was he most important role for women?
    Having children
  • How did the Nazis encourage young couples to marry?
    Giving them loans
  • Women were asked to stick to the 3Ks. What were they?
    Kinder, Kuche, Kirche (Children, kitchen, church)
  • After encouraging women to give up work, the Nazis then encouraged women to go to work. Why?

    Men were needed for the army
  • What were women discouraged from wearing?
    Make-up, high heels
  • What were teachers forced to do?
    Swear an oath of loyalty
  • What was the name of the compulsory youth group?
    The Hitler Youth
  • How many members did it have by 1939?
    7 million
  • What aspects of the Hitler youth were popular?
    Activities, holidays, camping, trips
  • Which aspects of the Hitler youth were unpopular?

    Politics and militaristic activities
  • Which group assassinated the SA leaders and maintained control of Germany?

    The SS
  • What was the name of the secret police?
    The Gestapo
  • What happened to judges who did not support the Nazis?

    They were removed
  • Where were opponents of the Nazis taken?

    Concentration camps
  • Who controlled propaganda in Germany?

    Josef Goebbels
  • What happened to the media that was critical of the Nazis?

  • What kind of art did Hitler support?

    Traditional Germanic art
  • What kind of art did Hitler ban?

    Degenerate art
  • What was the name for the supposed German master race?
    The Aryan race
  • What is the name for hatred of the Jews?
  • What action did the SA take against the Jews in 1933?

    A boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
  • What set of laws took away Jews' citizenship and right to vote?
    The Nuremberg laws (1935)
  • What law banned sexual relations or marriage between Jews and German citizens?
    The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour
  • What was the name for the night in 1938 when there were attacks on Jewish property, 100 were killed and 20,000 sent to concentration camps?

  • What did Hitler sign with the powerful Catholic Church to minimise their influence?

    The Concordat
  • Which famous Protestant pastor opposed the Nazi regime?
    Martin Niemoller
  • What happened to him?
    He was sent to a concentration camp
  • What alternative, Nazi church was created?

    The National Reich Church