New Deal

Cards (27)

  • Alphabet Agencies
    Farm Credit Administration (FCA) lent money to farmers who couldn't keep up with loan payments
    100 million dollars loaned out in 18 months
  • Alphabet Agencies
    Agricultural Adjustment Agency (AAA) paid farmers to produce less and destroy some of their food to increase prices and stop overproduction
    1933 - 1939 farmers' income doubled
    Faced heavy criticism as food was being destroyed at a time were millions were going hungry
    Supreme Court banned AAA as they thought that it was illegal
  • Emergency Banking Act
    Closed all banks for 4 days
    Every bank was inspected and banks with enough cash could re-open
    Government lent money to the banks
    People put their money back into the banks when they opened and well-run banks could lend money to well-run businesses
    Created more jobs as businesses expanded
  • Economy Act
    Cut the pay of everyone working for the government and armed forces by 15 percent
    Saved nearly 1 billion dollars for the government
  • Beer Act
    Repealed prohibition and put gangsters out of business
    Government could now raise more money by taxing alcohol
    Also introduced a feel-good factor as people were not criminalised for wanting a drink
  • Alphabet Agencies
    Public Works Administration (PWA) attracted skilled workers to build hospitals, dams, aircraft carriers and airports
    Created 4 million long-term jobs
    Helped the US to recover by improving its infrastructure
    This act was not useful to unskilled workers
  • Alphabet Agencies
    Works progress Administration (WPA) created millions of jobs for the unemployed and helped improve living standards
    Hired people to build and created more jobs in construction
  • Civil Works Administration (CWA) created 4 million short term jobs for unskilled workers before the winter of 1933
    Only lasted one winter and the 4 million workers became employed again
    People built schools, airports, roads and 150000 toilets
  • Federal Emergency Relief Agency (FERA) - gave 500 million dollars to states to help the homeless and starving people
    Money was spent on soup kitchens, blankets, clothes and nursery schools
    Created more jobs for over 20 million people
    From 1933 to 1935 FERA distributed over 3.1 billion dollars
  • Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) - gave loans to people who were struggling to pay their mortgages at lower interest rates
    Helped 300000 homeowners in the first year
    As a result 800000 people repaid their HOLC loans
    HOLC was not available to farms or houses worth over 20000
  • Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) produced work for building dams and electric power stations along Tennessee River which was one of the poorest areas in America
    Built 16 hydroelectric dams by 1944
    By 1930 93 percent of farmers had an electric supply
    TVA prevented soil erosion and flooding which improved farming
  • National Recovery Administration (NRA) - established fair prices, working conditions and a minimum wage
    Banned child labour and sweatshops
    States that workers should have the right to join trade unions
    By 1933 over 2 million employers worked with the NRA
    22 million workers benefitted from the scheme
    Many employers didn't join the scheme which led to strike
    Supreme court declared some of the NRA codes illegal
  • Civilian Conversation Corps (CCC) provided temporary work to single, unemployed men aged 18-25
    Gave the men jobs such as cleaning land, planting trees and making reservoirs
    1938 - over 2 million men had served in the CCC
    Each member received free food shelter and clothing
    Men learnt skills that could be transferred to other jobs
  • Opposition to the New Deal
    The rich helped pay for the New Deal as FDR made them pay more tax. The rich thought that the Alphabet Agencies were a waste of time
    Many business owners didn't like the way the new deal interfered with business and gave more rights to workers. They felt that it restricted their freedom to run their businesses as they wanted and thought it could hurt profits.
  • Opposition to the New Deal
    Supreme Court posed a significant challenge to the New Deal
    Stated that certain aspects of the programme were unconstitutional
    Argued that measures such as the NRA and AAA exceeded federal government's authority
    Didn't believe that the president should get involved
  • Opposition to the New Deal
    Republicans believed the government should be following laissez fair and rugged individualism approaches
    Believed the New deal cost too much money
    Believed jobs created by the New Deal were pointless
    Roosevelt had too much power and was becoming a dictator
    People should not depend on the government
  • Radical Opposition
    Huey Long believed that the New Deal did not help enough people
    Proposed a Share Our Wealth campaign which suggested that anyone over 6 - 8 million dollars would have to give their money to the government so it can be shared between poorer families
  • Radical Opposition
    Francis Townsend - Didn't believe the government was doing enough
    Created the Old Age Revolving Pension Plan which campaigned the government to give 200 dollars a month to everyone over 60
    Believed that retiring at 60 would free up millions of jobs for younger people
  • How effective was the New Deal
    Did not solve unemployment and there was always 1 in 10 people unemployed
    Opponents of the New Deal stated that the New Deal disrupted the natural cycle of supply and demand
    Some people argued that it made the government too powerful
    Roosevelt controlled many aspects of business
    Business owners believed that the New Deal undermined individual freedom and free-market principles
  • Successes of the New Deal
    Improved banking regulation
    Built trust in the government
    Created a national welfare system
  • New Deal and Poverty
    Successes of the New Deal with Poverty - Alphabet Agencies created jobs (NRA, CCC)
    US government gave millions of dollars in support of those facing poverty homelessness and hunger
    TVA created work and improved the standard of living in poor parts of the USA
    1935 - Social Security Act set up a national system of pensions for elderly, widows and disabled people and unemployed
    Meant that anyone out of work could receive help from the government rather than relying on charity
  • New Deal and Poverty
    Failure of the New Deal with Poverty - America remained a place where millions still lived with poverty
  • New Deal and Workers
    Successes of the New Deal with Workers - Alphabet Agencies created millions of new jobs for workers whether they were skilled or unskilled
    Wagner Act gave worker the right to join trade unions and stopping employers from punishing those who did so
    Failures with Workers - New Deal benefitted skilled workers more than unskilled workers
    Some employers did not respect the New Deal and blocked workers from joining trade unions
  • New Deal and Women
    Success - Many found work withing the Alphabet Agencies or were helped by the SSA
    Failures - Agencies like the CCC only specifically helped younger men and only 10000 women were employed by CCC out of the 3.5 million involved
    WPA only gave women unskilled jobs
    NRA purposefully set wages lower for for women than for men
  • New Deal and Farmers
    Success - AAA helped rise crop prices and reduce overproduction
    FCA loaned money to farmers to save them from eviction
    TVA helped productivity in the Tennessee Valley which helped the area recover from the Dust Bowl
    Failures - There was still severe poverty in much of rural America and poor farmland in places like Texas and Colorado meant that many farmers still had to look for work
  • New Deal and African - Americans
    Success - New Deal gave jobs to 200000 African Americans in the CCC
    More African-Americans began to support Democrats
    Failures - Many African-Americans continued to work in low-paying jobs
    NRA paid African American workers less than white workers
    CCC had segregated camps
    FDR refused to end discrimination in fear of losing support from the South
  • New Deal and Native Americans
    Success - FDR increased the amount of land they owned
    Government loans were provided for them to buy land , set up businesses and buy farming equipment
    Indian Reservation Act 1934 gave Native Americans the right to manage their own affairs such as setting up their own law courts
    Failures - Many native americans still lived in poverty and suffered from discrimination