Cards (15)

  • Isolationism To War
    America concentrated on building up its economy and strong trade links
    Neutrality Act banned selling weapons or giving loans to any country at war
    October 1937 - Quarantine speech states that countries should break off relations with nations that are taking other nations
  • Isolationism to War
    1939 - America declared support for Britain and France as FDR feared that Germany would attack the US
    1939 - Cash and Carry Plan allowed foreign countries to transport it from the USA which created valuable production jobs at a time where unemployment was rising
    FDR gave Britain 50 warships in 1940
  • Isolationism to War
    1941 - Lend Lease allowed America to lend Britain millions of dollars worth of weapons
    US struck a similar deal with Russia when Germany attacked it
  • Reaction in America
    Mothers' Crusade and America First Committee held big anti-war demonstrations because they feared America would get dragged into a European War
    Millions of jobs were found by building planes, battleships and tanks
    Unemployed men became trainee soldiers, sailors and pilots
    1941 - 5.5 million unemployed compared to over 10 million just 4 years before
  • America + Japan
    Japan began to invade surrounding countries including China as they wanted food and raw materials
    FDR vowed not to sell any oil or steel to Japan which angered them
  • Pearl Harbour
    7th December 1941 - 183 Japanese bomber planes attacked pearl harbour
    They destroy the fleet and kill roughly 2000 military soldiers
    Japan did this as they thought it would take America a year to rebuild their ships so they could easily create a South-east Asian empire
    Next day America and Britain declared war on Japan. Germany, Italy and Japan then declared war on the US making it a world war
  • America at War
    January 1942 - War Production Board (WPD) adapted US industries to war production including The Ford Motor company converted to making B-24 bombs
    WPA fulfilled the needs of the US and allied armed forces by allowing the US to produce 86,000 planes and 7000 ships
  • America at War
    War production significantly helped employment
    Millions of women joined the workforce
    By 1941 unemployment dropped to 670000
    Farmers prospered because they supplied food to the military
    Traditional industries such as coal, iron, steel and oil were all boosted by the demands of war
  • Women before WW2
    Women worked in stereotypical jobs such as nursing or teaching
  • How did WW2 benefit Women
    Women filled key roles needed to run the US society such as factory work
    Women had access to skilled jobs that society had previously excluded them from
    Around 350,000 women served in the armed forces
    Women who had a paid job had more disposable income meaning that they could buy more products which improved the economy
    They also had more freedom
  • How did Women not benefit from WW2
    There was still no equal pay in the USA and women were paid significantly less than for men doing the same job
    Women who had children found it very difficult to work both inside and outside the home
    Women in minority communities struggled to find employment. Those who had jobs faced discrimination
  • Positive Changes to African Americans during WW2
    Fair Employment Practice Committee (FECP) led to companies improving their policies in relation to African American workers
    Around 1 million african americans fought in the war
    african americans had access to higher-paying jobs than those before the war
    Air force allowed african americans to train as pilots
  • Negative continuities to african americans
    The number of african americans moving to the north increased racial tensions
    african americans were paid significantly less than white people
    Many african americans had lower-than-average living standards
  • Positive changes to the economy
    there was an increase in demand for food for the home front and armed forces this helped the agricultural industry recover
    War production required the traditional industries of coal, steel and iron. These saw a boost in demand
    Tax revenue went up from 4 million dollars a year to 42 million dollars a year
  • Negative changes to the economy
    Domestic industries were changed to focus on war effort
    There were fewer consumer products for people to buy in America
    Most of the decrease in unemployment was temporary