Tissues, organs & systems

Cards (12)

  • Tissue - cells working together to carry out a function
  • Atom —> molecule —> cell —>tissue —> organ —> organ system —> organism
  • An organ is a group of tissues working together to carry out a function
  • An organ system is a group of organs
  • an organism is a group of organ systems
  • The nervous system controls the body's responses to stimuli.
  • glands produce saliva that contains the enzyme amylase to digest carbohydrates
  • The substrate starch is broken down by the enzyme amylase producing glucose
  • The stomachcontains hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria and secrates protease enzyme to digest proteins
  • The protein is broken down by the enzyme protease producing amino acids
  • The small intestine, where the absorption of small molecules into the blood occurs, contains all three enzyme types by the pancreas
  • The substrate are broken down by the enzyme into glycerol and fatty acids