Family Dysfunction

Cards (7)

  • Family dysfunction - psychologists have tried to link schizophrenia with childhood experiences of living in a dysfunctional family
  • The Schizophrenogenic Mother
    • psychodynamic explanation based on the accounts of clients' childhoods
  • Schizophrenogenic Mother
    • the schizophrenogenic (schizophrenia-causing) mother is cold, rejecting and controlling
    • this leads to distrust that later develops into paranoid delusions and schizophrenia
  • Double Bind Theory
    • Bateson agreed that family climate is important in the development of schizophrenia but focused on the role of communication style within a family
  • Double Bind Theory
    • based around a child feeling trapped in situations where they fear doing the wrong thing but are unsure what is wrong
    • when they do get it wrong, they are punished by the withdrawal of love
    • this leaves them understanding the world as confused and dangerous (which is then reflected in schizophrenic symptoms)
  • Expressed emotion - the level of emotion expressed towards a person with schizophrenia by their carers, including:
    • verbal criticism (and violence)
    • hostility towards the person (anger/rejection)
    • emotional over-involvement in the life of the person
  • The high levels of expressed emotion in carers directed towards the patient is a serious source of stress - a primary explanation for relapse