Loftus and Palmer (1974)

Cards (5)

  • Aim:
    • To investigate how information supplied after an event influences a witness's memory for that event.
    • The study consists of two laboratory experiments.
    • Both use the independent measures design.
  • Study 1- Participants:
    • 45 students from the Uni of Washington
  • Study 1- Procedure:
    • 45 students shown 7 short videos of cars colliding.
    • Split into 5 groups, 9 ppt in each.
    • All were asked 'About how fast were the cars going when they ------ each other'
    • Each group were given a different verb to fill in the blank. These verbs were 'smashed, collided, bumped, hit or contacted' Therefore the independent variable was the verb used.
    • The dependent variable was the estimate of speed given by the ppt.
  • Study 1- controls:
    • All ps of similar age
    • All ps asked the same Q apart from changes in the critical question.
    • All ps watched same clip.
    • All ps tested in the same location (a lab)
    • The critical Q was hidden in amongst other Qs about the collision to reduce demand characteristic's.
  • Study 1- Variables
    • IV= the wording o the critical question
    • DV= The estimate of how fast were the cars going