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  • fluctuating oestrogen levels have been suggested as a cause premenstrual syndrome (PMS). this can lead to increased emotionality, irritability and irrational behaviour
  • PMS has been used successfully as a defence in cases of shoplifting and murder
  • RODIN however argues that PMS is a social construction, used to enhance the view of women as unavoidably irrational
  • Oestrogen may play a role in females' enhanced verbal ability.
    • SHERWIN found that administering oestrogens shortly after menopause prevents decreases in verbal memory
  • Oestrogen is considered to play a role in women's mental health. Sudden oestrogen withdrawal, fluctuating oestrogen and periods of sustained low oestrogen levels correlate with significant mood lowering (DOUMA et al)
  • restoring levels of oestrogen has been found to be effective in promoting recovery from postpartum, perimenopause and post menopause depression, further highlighting the impact of hormones on behaviour