Information is sent between neurones by chemical transmission
Neurotransmitters pass across the synapticcleft from the presynaptic neurone
The synaptic cleft is a small gap 20-30nm wide between neurones
Synaptic transmission is one way only - a presynapticneurones will always be presynaptic and a postsynaptic neurone will always be postsynaptic
Most synapses are cholinergic synapses that function with the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
Synapses allow a single impulse to be transmitted to a number of different neurones creating a simultaneous response
Synapses allow a number of impulses to be combined at a synapse allowing stimuli from different receptors to interact for a single response
A) Open calcium channel
B) Acetylcholinesterase
C) Open ion channel
An action potential arrives at the presynaptic membrane
2. The action potential (the influx of sodium ions) causes the calcium ion channels to open and the influx of calcium ions
3. The calcium ions cause the synaptic vesicles to bind with the presynaptic membrane
4. Neurotransmitter is released via exocytosis, and it diffuses across the synaptic cleft rapidly
5. The neurotransmitter will bind to specific receptors in the postsynaptic neurone
6. The sodium ion channels open in the postsynaptic neurone, causing the influx of sodium ions. If a threshold value is reached, the action potential continues down the postsynaptic neurone
7. Acetylcholinesterase breaks down acetylcholine into acetyl (ethanoic acid) and choline
8. Sodium ion channels close and acetyl and choline diffuse back into the presynaptic neurone, which allows the neurotransmitter to be recycled
9. ATP released by the mitochondria is used to recombine acetyl and choline, this is then stored in the synaptic vesicles for future use
10. Sodium ion channels close in the absence of neurotransmitters at their receptor sites
Synapses are unidirectional
there are only synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic neurone and specific receptors are only on the postsynaptic neurone
Low frequency action potentials often produce insufficient amounts of neurotransmitter to trigger a new action potential in the postsynapticneurone, they can however be made to do so in summation
Spatial summation
A number of different presynaptic neurones release enough neurotransmitter to exceed the threshold value of the postsynaptic neurone
Together they trigger a new action potential
Temporal summation
A single presynaptic neurone releases neurotransmitter many times over a short period
If the total amount exceeds the threshold value of the postsynaptic neurone, then a new action potential is triggered
Synaptic summation
A) Temporal
B) Spatial
Acetylcholine acts as an excitatoryneurotransmitter at synapses connecting motor neurones with skeletal muscle
Chloride ion channels open on the postsynaptic membrane
Chlorine ions are negatively charged
Causes hyperpolarisation (-80mv)
Less likely the threshold value is reached
Excitory neurotransmitters open Na+ channels
Inhibitory neurotransmitters open the Cl- channels, and can also move potassium ions out
Drugs stimulate the nervous system by mimicking neurotransmitters or inhibiting the breakdown enzyme
Drugs inhibit the nervous system by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters, blocking specific receptors or blocking Na+ channels
Morphine and codeine are similar shapes to endorphins, so they block pain pathways and prevent action potentials
Prozac inhibits the breakdown or reuptake of serotonin, forcing it to be in the specific receptors or synapse for longer
Valium enhances GABA which causes less involuntary muscle contractions and can be used to treat or lessen the symptoms of epilepsy, restless legs syndrome and anxiety