auhtoritraian personality

Cards (11)

  • authoritarian personality can explain obediance
  • authoritarian personality was created by adorno
  • over strict parenting led to a child being socialised to obey authority unquestiongly
  • child displaces their agression and anger onto someone that they see as weak or inferior
  • f scale - facism scale
  • f scale was created by adorno
  • f scale measures how strongly people express authoritarian personality traits
  • why did adorno create the fscale to measure if there are certain characterisics that eld to nazis following orders
  • elms and milgram - participants who scored higher on the f-scale also gave bigger shocks in milgrams shock experiment
  • con - different factors could lead to authoritarian personality for example education
  • con - doesn't explain how whole socieities become obediant