Turner's syndrome

Cards (11)

  • Turner's syndrome has only one X chromosome - XO
  • turner's syndrome occurs 1 in 2200 births
  • only one complete X chromosome in each cell
  • the second chromosome is either missing or incomplete
  • turner's syndrome occurs at conception
  • turner's syndrome can lead to miscarriage
  • physical differences in turner's syndrome
    • down-slanting eyes
    • broad chest
    • under-developed breasts
  • psychological differences in turner's syndrome
    • poor spatial and maths abilities
    • poor social judgement
    • higher than average verbal abilities
  • 1/3 of Turner's syndrome girls will have some typical changes during puberty and 1/200 with the condition can get pregnant naturally
  • most girls with TS will have a normal vagina and uterus and a normal sex life
  • treatment usually consists of administering growth hormones as well as oestrogen and progesterone hormones, which allows sufferers to live relatively normal lives with just a slightly reduced expected life span