Klinefelter's syndrome

Cards (10)

  • Klinefelter's has an additional X chromosome - XXY
  • Klinefelter's occurs in males
  • Klinefelter's occurs 1 in 750 births
  • males with Klinefelter's have small testes that produce insufficient amounts of testosterone before birth and during puberty which results in normal male sexual characteristics not developing fully
  • KS occurs during meiosis, where an error in cell division called nondisjunction causes an egg or sperm to have an extra copy of the X chromosome in each of its cells
  • physical differences in Klinefelter's syndrome
    • underdeveloped genitalia
    • little body hair
    • rounding of body contours at puberty
  • psychological differences in Klinefelter's syndrome
    • poor language and reading abilities
    • quiet shy and passive temperament
    • attention problems
  • medical problems can arise from KS such as cardiovascular, circulatory and respiratory conditions as well as diabetes and renal problems
  • sufferers are generally treated with testosterone supplements allowing them to live relatively normal lives although below average lifespan
  • SIMPSON et al found the behavioural and language difficulties resulting from KS could be successfully treated with hormone therapy, such as testosterone supplements