The sympathetic nervous system stimulates effectors and speeds up any activity in response to stressful stimuli to prepare the body for fight or flight response
The parasympathetic nervous systeminhibits effectors and slows down any activity which helps us conserve energy
Coordination of a heartbeat
Electrical waves are generated and sent out from the sinoatrial node, which initiates the heartbeat and determines the heart rate
SAN sends out a wave of electrical activity across the walls of the atrium
Contraction of the walls of the atrium
Impulses from the atria are detected by the atrioventricular node where there is a short delay
Impulses are then sent down the Bundle of His to the Purkinje fibres
Electrical impulses spread from the base up the ventricular walls, causing simultaneous contraction of the ventricular walls
Between the atria and the ventricles lies a fibrous band of non-connective tissue called the atrioventricularseptum
Myogenic means the contractions are stimulated by the heart
The atrioventricular septum prevents the electrical wave crossing to the ventricles so they don't contract at the same time as the atria
The delay before the ventricles contract is important because it allows the atria to finish contracting so blood can fill the ventricles
The ventricles contract from the apex upwards because it pushed blood up and out of the arteries and it prevents blood from pooling in the apex
Process of pressure receptors:
High blood pressure
Detected by pressure receptors in carotid arteries and aorta
Impulses sent to the medulla increases frequency by parasympathetic neurones
SAN decreases heart rate
Decreases blood pressure
Process of chemoreceptors:
Increase in carbon dioxide concentration lowers pH
Detected by chemoreceptors in carotid arteries
Medulla increases frequency via sympathetic neurones
SAN increases heart rate + contractions
Carbon dioxide is pumped to lungs and excreted -> increases pH
Changes in heart rate are controlled by the medulla oblongata
Medulla contains an acceleratory and inhibitory centre
The acceleratory and inhibitory centres are linked to SAN by sympathetic and parasympatheticneurones