Maslow's hierarchy of needs proposes that there can be barriers that will prevent us from self-actualising. Each of the building blocks must be in place for us to progress to the next level of the hierarchy
Rogers''Focus on the Self' and congruence
The self-image/perceived self - How we see ourselves
The ideal self - Person you wish you were
Self-Esteem - How we feel about ourselves
If someone is 'incongruent', it means there is a large gap between the self-image and the ideal self, which would lead to low self-esteem. This could be because the 'ideal self' is unrealistic, or because self-image is poor, or a combination of both
If someone is 'congruent', it would mean there is no or only a small gap between the self-image and the ideal self, which would lead to high self-esteem. This is best achieved when someone has a positive self-image and realistic expectations of the 'ideal self'.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Rogers believed that in order to achieve congruence, at some point in our lives, we have a need to be loved and accepted by somebody else for who we are. We need to be accepted unconditionally by another human being. This is called 'unconditional positive regard' and can come from anyone
Conditions of Worth
When a person does not believe they have 'unconditional positive regard' it is because they feel there are 'conditions of worth' imposed on them. These are things that a person believes they need to do or be in order to be loved. These conditions can be real or imagined.