Cells and control

Cards (45)

  • Adult stem cells can be differentiated into a limited range of cells, for example bone marrow stem cells
  • Asexual reproduction includes a single parent that creates genetically identical offspring
  • Axons are long fibres that conduct nerve impulses away from the body
  • Cancer is a non-communicable disease caused by changes in the cell that lead to uncontrollable cell division
  • Cell differentiation is when an undifferentiated cell becomes specialised for its function
  • Cell elongation is when cells expand, enabling growth in the plant
  • The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord
  • Cerebellum is a part of the brain that controls muscle coordination and non-voluntary movements
  • Cerebral hemisphere is one half of the cerebrum, the left hemisphere controls muscles on the right, vice versa
  • Cerebrum is the largest region of brain consisting of 2 hemispheres, it controls movement, memory, intelligence, language and vision
  • chromatids are one section of a replicated chromosome
  • Chromosomes are long coiled molecules of DNA that carry genetic information in the form of genes
  • cone cells found in the retina are sensitive to light intensity which helps detect different colours of light
  • Corneas are the transparent outers coverings that reflect light entering the eye
  • CT scans are medical imaging techniques used to create detailed images of internal organs
  • dendrites are short branched extensions of dendrons that provide a large surface area to receive nerve impulses from other neurons
  • An effector is an organ, tissue or cell that produce a response to stimuli
  • Embryonic stem cells are found in very early embryos that are unspecialised and capable of differentiating into any type of cell
  • The iris is a pigmented ring of muscle that controls the size of the pupil to alter how much light enters the eye
  • The lens is a transparent structure that refracts light to focus it on the retina
  • Long-sightedness-
    Near by objects appear unclear due to the convergence of light rays focusing behind the retina
    It is corrected using a convex lens
  • Short-sightedness-
    Far away objects appear unclear due to the convergence of light rays focusing in front of the retina
    It is corrected using a diverging lens
  • The Medulla oblongata is a region of the brain that regulates unconscious activities such as breathing or heart rate
  • Meristem tissue is plant tissue containing undifferentiated stem cells
  • Metaphase is the second stage of mitosis in which the chromosomes align at the centre of the cell
  • Mitosis is a type of cell division that produces two genetically identical diploid daughter cells from one parent cell
  • Motor neurones carry nerve impulses from the central nervous system to the effectors
  • Mylin sheath is an electrically insulating layer that surrounds the axon and increases the speed of nerve impulses
  • Neuron’s are nerve cells adapted to quickly transmit nerve impulses
  • Neurotransmitters are chemicals used for communication between neuron's and their target cell
  • Pupils are holes in the centre of the iris that allows light rays to enter the eye
  • Reflexes are automatic responses to stimuli
  • The reflex arc-
    Stimulus, receptor, sensory neurone, relay neurone, motor neurone, effector, response
  • Relay neurones carry nerve impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons
  • A retina is a light sensitive layer at the back of the eye composed at rod and cone cells, it converts light energy into neural signals which are sent to the brain
  • Rod cells found in the retina and are sensitive to low light intensity
  • Sensory neurones carry nerve impulses from the receptor to the central nervous system
  • sensory receptors detect stimuli
  • Synapses are small gaps between neurones where nerve impulses are transmitted via neurotransmitters
  • Mitosis-
    prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase