
Cards (6)

  • Acid: Dissociates (separation of ions) in water to form H+ ions.

    HCL -> H+ + Cl-
  • Base: Substance that reacts with acids to form salt and water.
  • Alkali: A base that dissolves in water to form OH- ions.
  • Amphoteric: Can act as both an acid & base.
    -> Alumina (Alumina Oxide)
    • Chemically inert except in certain condtions: hot acid & base
  • Amphoteric reacting with acid
  • Uses of Alumina
    • It's chemically inert/nonreactive
    • -> Making it very useful in: filler, paints, sunscreens, glass, stationary phase in chromatography, effective desiccant (drying agent).