use of violence by authority, ways they intimidate/control

Cards (11)

  • ‘the shorter shuffles on his stretching toes’
    ch3, p.g. 52- mild-mannered kent allows a harsh and unfair punishment, two men quickly put into pillory despite fact older man can barely stand leading to his death in ch5
  • ‘in any other place but here, such wilful arsonist would end up gibbeted’ -> ‘a sturdy vagabond and fire-setter should expect to have his ears cut off and then be hoisted on the gibbet’

    ch1, p.g.12 + ch6, p.g.98- in world of novel it’s taken for granted that law=enforced with harsh punishments, acceptance of punishments is mirrored in both chapters, Jordan uses it as a legitimate punishment unlike earlier when this would never have happened in this village= changing for worse
  • ‘cannot expect to walk these lanes tomorrow… he will meet the rotting carcass of the horse he killed’

    ch7, p.g.112- jordan, disgusted from moment of arrival by state of village (mutilated corpse, rundown manor and willowjacks death next day) uses threats of force against villagers for crimes they haven’t committed e.g. willowjack’s murderer/culprit for theft of master’s property will suffer
  • ‘there’s nothing like a show of heavy justice- and a swinging corpse- to persuade a populace’

    ch1, p.g.121- prepared to use force to intimidate community and make them conform to his wishes, no worries for human decency or those he will force to suffer
  • ‘soldiers’ + ‘twenty sidemen… or a troop of soldiers’

    ch7, p.g.111 + ch11, p.g.174- jordan's sidemen’s descriptions implies that they will inflict harm and violence if order to/necessary + after grooms assault the village fears jordan summoning more to punish them
  • ‘crashes and cries’ of women + ‘licensed… to do precisely what they want’ + ‘no matter what they did, last evening, they could claim they did it only at their master’s bidding’

    ch10, p.g.159 (x2) + p.g.160- sidemen act violently when jordan orders it, kent overhears their treatment of the women, makes reader realise the truth behind kent’s previous threats, no longer in world of lenience and forgiveness
  • ‘i am too shocked by them to move… it’s just that they are not the women i have known’
    ch13, p.g.194- extent to which women are victims and have suffered under misused power/authority demonstrated by changed appearances when emerging from manor house
  • ‘long stave… too heavy for a walking stick’ + ‘pageant… privilege… malice follows, wielding its great stick’

    ch13, p.g.202- as jordans party leaves WT glimpses sideman armed, stolen from village, menacing image which leads to his comment about procession implying that privilege is customarily sustained by force
  • ‘the knowledge of her torments at the manor lies leaden in my stomach’ + ‘they’d drag me by the ankles to the manor house’
    ch11, p.g.178+9- psychological effects of violence vividly shown through WT’s distress abt KG + his fear at what sidemen may still do showing effects of violence when used as tool to subdue lower classes
  • ‘waking nightmares’ + ‘he has been run through with great force and commitment’ 

    ch13, p.g.209 + ch16,p.g.- WT tormented by fear abt what may have happened to Quill, imagining gruesome violence which is proved correct when he finds his body lying in the trunk obviously abused by someone stabbing his multiple times with a sword
  • violence used by EJ is effective in achieving his goal

    leaves village without suffering at hands of others, burning of manor + title deeds with it may inconvenience him but not prevent enclosure and sheep farming