Urine and diagnosis

Cards (5)

  • The presence of glucose in the urine is a well-known symptom of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
  • If you have muscle damage, large amounts of creatinine will show up in your urine.
  • Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies from a single clone of cells that are produced to target particular cells or chemicals in the body.
  • Monoclonal antibodies:
    • a mouse is injected with hCG so it makes the appropriate antibody
    • The B-cells that make the required antibody are then removed from the mouse and fused with a myeloma (a type of cancer that divides rapidly)
    • this new fused cell is known as a hybridoma
    • each hybridoma reproduces rapidly, resulting in a clone of millions of hybridomas all making the desired antibody
    • these monoclonal antibodies are collected and purified
  • Pregnancy test:
    • the test contains mobile monoclonal antibodies that will only bind to hCG, they also have a very small coloured bead attached to them
    • if the woman is pregnant the hCG in her urine binds to the mobile monoclonal antibodies
    • the urine carries on along the wick until it reaches a window
    • here there are immobilised monoclonal antibodies that only bind to hCG, if the woman is pregnant a coloured line appears in the first window
    • at the second window there are immobilised antibodies that only bind to mobile antibodies, this coloured line simply indicates that the test is working