Receptors detect changes in the internal and external environment. They are specific to a particular kind of stimuli e.g. photoreceptors detect changes in light.
Receptors are specialised cells or proteins that detect changes in the environment (stimuli) and convert them into electrical signals (nerve impulses or generator potentials).
Found in sense organs (e.g., eyes, ears) or as free nerve endings in tissues.
The Pacinian Corpuscle is a mechanoreceptor that detects pressure and vibration. It is found in the skin, particulary in areas like fingertips and soles of feet.
Mechanism of the Pacinian corpuscle:
At rest, the stretch-mediated sodium ion channels in the nerve membrane are closed.
When pressure is applied, the layers of connective tissue are deformed.
This deformation stretches the nerve membrane, causing stretch-mediated sodium ion channels to open.
Sodiumionsdiffuse into the nerve ending, depolarising the membrane and generating a generatorpotential.
If the generator potential reaches the threshold, it triggers an action potential, which is transmitted along the sensory neuron to the CNS.
Rods and Cones are photoreceptors that detect light and allow vision. They are found in the retina of the eye.
Rod cells are sensitive to lowlight intensity and do not detect colour.
Cone cells are sensitive to highlight intensity and detect different wavelengths off light (colour).
Cone cells are present at the greatestdensity in the fovea of the eye and contain the pigment iodopsin.
There are three different types of cone cells each sensitive to the primarycolours of light: red, green or blue.
Cone cells provide high visual acuity because each cone cell has its own synapse via a bipolarneurone which connects to the optic sensory neurone.
Rod cells are mainly concentrated in the highestdensity outside of the fovea and contain the pigment rhodopsin.
This makes them very sensitive to light and, therefore, stimulated in low-light conditions.
Rod cells provide low visual acuity as more than one rod cell shares the same synapse with a bipolar cell.
As a result, multiple rod cells need to be stimulated to create generator potential.
Threshold: A minimumstimulusstrength is required to generate a generatorpotential strong enough to produce an actionpotential.