
Cards (4)

  • :) Real world applications e.g. drug therapies such as SSRIs for the treatment of psychological disorders such as depression and OCD
  • :) Another practical application
    Family history is a reliable predictor of an individuals disease risk due to an understanding of genotype combined with enviromental factors
  • :) Evidence to support the influence of genetics on behaviour and traits
    Many large-scale twin studies that have shown high concordance rates e.g. study done on IQ
    MZ twins showed a correlation of +0.9 (massively significant)
    Shows that genetics influence characteristics
  • :( Arguing that complex human behaviour is a product of genetics alone is an example of biological determinism
    This is a reductionist view which ignores the effect of environmental factors on behaviour
    Saying that genetics play a huge influence on behaviour is implies that humans lack free will to go against our own genetics