2 pyruvate + 2NAD + 2CoA →CO2+ 2 reduced NAD + 2 acetyl CoA
link reaction
If oxygen is available the 3C pyruvate created at end of glycolysis passes into the mitochondria
The link reaction occurs in the mitochondrial matrix
pyruvate is decarboxylated and dehydrogenated, catalysed by pyruvate dehydrogenase which catalyses the sequence of reactions that occur in the link reaction
No ATP produced during this reaction
stages of link reaction
carboxyl group is reduced and is the origin of some of the carbon dioxide produced during respiration
this decarboxylation of pyruvate together with dehydrogenation produces an acetyl group
acetyl group combines with coenzyme A to become acetyl coenzyme A
Coenzyme NAD becomes reduced
krebs cycle takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria
it is a series of reactions that turn a 6C compound into a 4C compound