transition metals

Cards (59)

  • what is a transition metal?
    an element that produces stable ions with partly filled d-orbital
  • what is a d-block element?
    an element with its outer electrons highest energy level in in the d-sub shell
  • what two elements are not transition metals?
    scandium and zinc
  • whats similiar about 4s orbitals and 3d orbitals?
    they are really close in energy
  • whats the electron configuration of chromium?
    [Ar] 3d5 4s1
  • whats the electron configuration of copper?
    [Ar]4s1 3d10
  • why is chromiums 3d shell half full and coppers 3d shell full?
    so its more stable
  • name the 4 chemical properties of transition metals?
    1. catalyst
    2. form coloured ions
    3. variable oxidation states
    4. complex formation
  • what is a complex?
    when a central metal atom or ion is surrounded by ligands
  • define ligand
    atom , ion or molecule that will donate a pair of electrons to a central metal
  • what is a monodentate ligand?
    donates only one lone pair of electrons
  • what is a bidentate ligand?
    donates 2 lone pairs of electrons
  • whats an example of a bidentate ligand?
    ethandioate and ethane-1,2-diamine
  • draw an ethanedioate molecule
  • draw ethane-1,2-diamine
  • whats an example of a multidentate ligand?
    EDTA4- (chelate)
  • whats the chelate effect?
    can form many co-ordinate bonds
  • how many coordinate bonds can EDTA form?
  • what is haem?
    an iron(II) complex with a multidentate ligand
  • how does oxygen get transported?
    oxygen forms a coordinate bond to Fe(II) in haemoglobin,
  • how is CO (carbon monoxide) toxic?
    CO can form a strong dative bond with haemoglobin
    this bond is stronger than that made with oxygen so it replaces the oxygen
  • how does colour arise?
    when wavelengths of visible light are absorbed and some of the remaining wavelengths of light are transmitted or reflected
  • what happens to d electrons when light is absorbed
    move from ground state to excited state
  • what colours are all the vanadium ions in their 4 main oxidation states?
  • what colour is [Cr2O7]2-
  • what colour is Mn2+
  • what colour is MnO4 -
  • what colour is Fe2+
  • what colour is Fe3+
  • what colour is Ni2+
  • what colour is Cu2+
  • what colour is Cr3+
    its violet when its surrounded by 6 H2O but its normally substituted so it look green
  • what shape are complexes with a coordination number of 6
    octahedral (90')
  • what shapes are complexes with 4 coordination numbers?
    tetrahedral and square planar
  • example of a square planar complex
  • bond angle of a tetrahedral
  • bond angle of a square planar molecule
  • draw cis-platin
    cis platin
  • what is cis-platin
    anti cancer drug
  • whats an example of a linear complex
    usually silver complexes like ( tollens reagent)