Biological explanations

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  • Family studies into schizophrenia
    Gottesman's large-scale family study (1991) confirmed risk of schizophrenia increases in line wth genetic simularity, however family members tend to be exposed to the same enviroment causing a correlation between genetics and enviroment.
  • Candiate genes
    Multiple gees are involved in the diagnosis of schizophrenia (it is polygenic)
    Ripke et al (2014) conclded that schizophrenia is aetiologically heterogeneous (combination of factors e.g. genetic variation
  • Mutation in schizophrenia
    Can be caused by mutated parental DNA (radiation, poison or infection)
  • Twin studies in SZ
    Joseph (2004) - MZ twins are treated much more similarly than DZ twins as they are treated more as a pair than individuals.
  • Adoption studies
    Tienari et al ( 2000) found that 164 adoptees whos biological mothers had SZ , 6.7% also received a diagnosis compared to 2% of the 197 'control' adoptees (born to non- SZ mothers)
  • Environmental factors affecting SZ.
    Clear evidence showing that environmental factors also alter the risk of a diagnosis. Morgan et al (2017) - smoking THC rich cannabis in teenage years, Di Forti et al (2015) Childhood trauma.
    Morkved et al (2017) found that 67% of SZ patients reported at least one childhood trauma as opposed to the 38% of a matched group with no mental health issues.
  • The role of dopamine
    Dopamine is responsible for feelings of pleasure. It effects thinking and movement.
  • What is Hyperdopaminergia?
    High levels of dopamine in the sub cortex, an excess of dopamine receptors in the Broca’s area may be associated with speech poverty and auditory hallucinations.
  • What is Hypodopaminergia?
    Low levels of dopamine in the cortex. linked to the negative symptoms of SZ (Goldman-Rakic, 2004)
  • David and Kahn (1991) research into dopamine.
    Positive symptoms caused by and excess of dopamine in the subcortical areas of the brain (ie. the mesolimbic pathway)
    Negative symptoms = deficit of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex (mesocortical pathway)
  • Research support for the dopamine hypothesis.
    Drug therapy.
    L dopa - parkinsons medication, increases dopamine which may produce symptoms similar to that of SZ
  • Limitations of the dopamine hypothesis.
    Drugs were ineffective for 1/3 of patients. Suggesting dopamine cannot explain all cases.