Not all people with schizophrenia show enlargedventricles which raises doubt on this explanation.
Brainscanning studies may lack reliability if the patients investigated are not medication free. Antipsychotics may interfere with the outcome of many brainscans.
Neuralcorrelates does not consider comorbid factors such as stress or addiction. These will affect brain tissue and make cause and effect conclusions more difficult.
Ho et al (2003) have shown by rescanning schizophrenic patients, that brain differences increase overtime as symptoms worsen. This is despite being on medication and helps establish a stronger causal relationship
The neuralcorrelates explanation must also consider the role of dopamine and it's action in a schizophrenics brain. Dopamine is important in the functioning of several brain systems related to symptoms of schizophrenia.
This explanation is reductionist as the ignores the individual experiences of the patient and just focuses on structural or neuralbrain differences.
Brainscans are used to support the argument for the neuralcorrelates explanation, and they provide reliable data from which conclusions can be drawn.
As this explanation is based on correlational data, it is difficult to make causalconclusions.