Explanations for forgetting: Retreival

Cards (9)

  • What are the two explanations for forgetting?

    Interference and Retrieval
  • What is the encoding specificity principle?

    The idea that we may forget something if we have insufficient cues. Retrieval failure occurs when cues present during coding are absent during recall.
  • How is memory context dependant?

    When we aquire memories, we encode them with links to the context which existed at the time of learning. (where we are). This context becomes a potential retrieval cue.
  • Explain Godden and Baddeley's study
    The aim was to investigate the relationsips between learning and retrieval enviroments. Divers learnt a list of words either underwater or on land. Then had to recall in either the same of different locations. They found that those who learnt and recalled in the same location remembered more.
  • Explain the implication of context dependancy
    Exam should be sat in the room you learnt the infomation in, otherwise you are at a disadvantage as you cannot access cues. Independant cues are then at an advantage as class sizes are small enough to take exams where they learnt it.
  • What is State dependant retrieval?

    The state you learnt infomation in should be the state you recall it in.
  • Describe Goodwins experiment
    He found that heavy drinkers who learn infomation in a drunken state are more likely to be able to recall it in a similar state. The same effect was found with marijuana.
  • Describe Carter and Cassaday's experiment

    Gave pps anti-histimines which make you drowsy. PPS learnt a list of words either on or off drugs. More words were remembered when states matched.
  • What were the real life issues with these evaluations.

    Study's measure extreme circumstances which is not reality.