Rate of reaction

Cards (3)

  • Disappearing cross with sodium thiosulphate and HCl

    The reaction is S​​2O3​ + 2H+ → SO​2(g)​ + S(s) + H​2O (l)
    1. Set up a Bunsen burner, tripod, gauze and heatproof mat
    2. Label two boiling tubes A and B and place them in a beaker of water
    3. Mark an x on the side of a beaker with a marker
    4. A would be the aqueous sodium thiosulphate and B is the HCl
    5. Place a thermometer in the water and in tube A
    6. Heat temperature of water using a Bunsen burner to 20°C
    7. Pour B into A and measure the temperature once you cant see the cross and record results
    8. Repeat 2-7 but increase temp by 10°C
  • What are the two methods to measure the rate of reaction mentioned?
    • Initial rates method (iodine clock reaction)
    • Continuous monitoring method (gas volume measurement)
  • What is a potential issue with judging the disappeared cross method?
    • It can be unreliable due to human judgment e.g. eyes are subjective or too slow when stopping the clock watch
    • Reaction may be too slow at low temperatures
    • There may not be enough precipitate of sulfur forming to make the cross disappear