
Subdecks (2)

Cards (13)

  • Deterrence, right
    Punishment may prevent future crime due to fear of further punishment
  • Rehabilitation, left
    Reforming / re-educating offenders so they no longer offend
  • Incapacitation, left
    Removing the offenders capacity to re-offend, e.g. execution / imprisonment
  • Retribution, left
    Idea that society is entitled to take revenge for the offender having breached a moral code
  • Durkheim
    Argued function of punishment is to uphold social solidarity and reinforce shared values by expressing society's moral outrage at the offend
  • Durkheim
    1. Retributive justice = traditional society > strong collective conscience > punishment is severe and vengeful
    2. Restitutive justice = in modern society > evidence of extensive interdependence between individuals > crime damages this > function of justice should be to repair the damage through compensation
  • Evaluation of Durkheim
    View is too simplistic > traditional societies often have restitutive justice rather than redistributive justice, e.g. nobles may have paid off a blood fued
  • Marxism
    Punishment is part of a 'repressive state apparatus' > defends ruling class property against w/c
    • form of punishment reflects economic base of society
    • under capitalism, prison becomes dominant punishment > capitalist economy claims time is money > offenders pay by 'doing time'