the Oedipus conflict

Cards (10)

  • according to FREUD the mother is the primary love object for both boys and girls
  • for 3 year old boys, the love for their mother becomes lust, giving them an Oedipus complex
  • in the Oedipus complex, the boy develops a passionate desire for his mother
  • conflict arises because bots want to possess their mother for themselves but see their father as a rival who stands in their way
  • the boy will become jealous of the father and hold hostility towards the father who they wish dead
  • what's castration anxiety in the Oedipus complex?

    boys fearing the father discovering their desire for their mother and punish them by removing their penis
  • the conflict for boys is between their lust for mother and fear towards father
  • the boy resolves the complex by identifying with his father and internalising them into their psyche
    • leads to development of their super-ego and their gender identity
  • what's identification?

    the process where a child associates themselves with their same sex parent and acquires their characteristics
  • what's internalisation?

    when the child incorporates the characteristics of the same sex parent into their own psyche