Eye witness testimony and anxiety

Cards (10)

  • What is the weapon focus effect
    The presence of a weapon to draw attention and impair a witness's ability to identify the culprit. Violent acts will increase anxiety in a witness.
  • Explain Johnson and Scotts experiment
    PPS were seated in a waiting room ready to take part in what they thought was a lab study. They overheard a heated argument in the next room. 2 conditions included: A man emerging with a pen and grease on his hands (equipment error) or a man emerging with a paper knife covered in blood. PPS were then asked to identify the man.
  • What were the results of Johnson and Scotts experiment
    In the low anxiety condition - 49% identified the correct man
    In the high anxiety condition - 33% identified the correct man
  • Explain the alternative theory - biology
    The anxiety a witness experiences triggers a stress response within the body that activated fight or flight. Our brain becomes hyper alert and memory capacity improves because of our psychological state.
  • Explain Yuille and cutshalls experiment

    Interviewed 13 eye witnesses to recall a real life shooting involving a shopkeeper and an armed thief. The shopkeeper was wounded but recovered, and the thief was shot dead.
  • What were the findings of Yuille and cutshalls experiment
    Witnesses gave an impressively accurate account 5 months later.
    Witnesses closest to the incident gave the most detail.
    Witnesses who were most distresses were most accurate.
  • Explain Christianson and Hubinettes experiment

    Questioned 110 witnesses who had seen a total of 22 bank robberies. Staff (victims) gave a more accurate account than bystandars.
  • Explain the Yerkes-Dodson Law
    The principle that performance increases with anxiety only up to a point, beyond which performance decreases
  • Explain pickles theory
    The more unusual the object involved, the less accurate the EWT. For example a rubber chicken is usually worse than a gun.
  • Explain the issue with lab studies
    Lab studies have high demand characteristics, impacting validity.