The sequence of nucleotide bases can be determined for individual genes and entire genomes
What is bioinformatics?
Computer programs being used to identify base sequences by looking for sequences similar to known genes. To compare sequence data, computer and statistical analyses are required.
What can genomes reveal about species?
Similarities between different species, indicating a high level of conservation
What is phylogenetics?
The study of evolutionary history and relationships.
What can phylogenetic sequence data be used to study?
The evolutionary relatedness among groups of organisms
What is divergence?
When a group of closely related living things acquires its own set of mutations which gradually alters its genome. This group may give rise to two groups that become more different from one another and eventually diverge.
What are phylogenetic trees?
Visual representations of the evolutionary relationships between different species or groups of organisms.
What are molecular clocks?
They show when species diverge during evolution. They assume a constantmutation rate and show differences in DNA sequences or amino acid sequences. Therefore differences in sequence data between species indicate the time of divergence from a common ancestor
What can the sequence of events in evolution be determined by?
Sequence data and fossil evidence
What are the three domains of life?
Bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes
What is pharmacogenetics?
The use of genome information in the choice of drugs. It could lead to personalised medicine.
What are benefits of personalised medicine?
Prescribing the most suitable drug and dosage with less side effects by looking at the persons genome. Predict a disease early enough to allow suitable action to be taken.