OCD=obsessive compulsive disorder, a disorder characterized by recurrent, intrusive thoughts and compulsions
an anxiety disorder where anxiety arises from both obsessions (persistent thoughts) and compulsions (behaviours that arerepeatedover and overagain).
compulsions are a response to obsessions and the person believes the compulsions will reduce anxiety
behavioural characteristics of OCD
compulsions are external components
compulsions are repetitive: sufferers feel compelled to repeat a behaviour
compulsions reduce anxiety: around 10% of sufferers show compulsive behaviours alone-no obsessions. Majority will perform the compulsions to reduce anxiety.
sufferers tend to avoid situations that trigger anxiety
Emotional characteristics of OCD:
the obsessions and compulsions of sufferers can lead to unpleasant emotional experiences
OCD is often accompanied by depression
sometimes involves other negative emotions such as irrational guilt
cognitive characteristics of OCD
obsessive thoughts (internal components)
major feature of OCD is obsessive thoughts
The obsessions are often uncontrollable which create anxiety. The person recognises that the obsessional thoughts and impulses are a result of their own mind
obsessions are internal components because they are thoughts, and compulsions are external components because they are behaviours