Exposure - Wilfred Owen

Cards (8)

    • Pararhyme
    • Seasonal changes throughout the paragraph
    • Nature depicted as enemy
    • Compare to the Prelude and Kamakaze
  • ’Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us...’
    • Double entendre: Wind is so cold it affects organs, reader is occupied by the idea of war: Mental + psychological damage(PTSD)
    • Connects us, imagine the pain - trauma
  • ‘Dawn massing in the east her melancholy army’
    • Presented as antagonistic
    • Lots of deathly connotations
    • Some caused by nature
  • ’Slowly our ghosts drag home: glimpsing the sunk fires’
    • Caesura barrier between hot is imagined and what is real - not actually going to experience home
    • Punctuation enjambment and separates ourselves from their experience
    • Calm ‘sunk fires’ imagery heightens comparison when dragged back to reality
  • ‘We turn back to our dying’
  • ’For love of God seems dying’
  • ’But nothing happened’
    • Nature depicted as enemy
    • Pain of war
    • Meaninglessness of war
    • Changing of seasons - never-ending nature of war