Cards (39)

  • What is cheiloschisis commonly known as?
    Hare lip
  • What is the consequence of cleft palate?
    Unable to suckle, aspiration pneumonia
  • What does brachygnathia refer to?
    Short jaw
  • What is agnathia?
    No jaw
  • What is epitheliogenesis imperfecta?
    Genetic condition with undeveloped skin
  • Which animals are affected by epitheliogenesis imperfecta?
    Cattle, horses, and pigs
  • What are the lesions associated with epidermolysis bullosa?
    Genetic lesions in specific sheep breeds
  • What are dentigerous cysts associated with?
  • What causes enamel hypoplasia?
    Canine distemper virus, BVD virus, or fluorosis
  • How does enamel hypoplasia affect teeth?
    Teeth have poorly formed, brittle enamel
  • What can cause pigmentation in teeth?
    Tetracycline treatment
  • What is abnormal attrition?
    Wear caused by soft teeth or malocclusion
  • What is calculus in dental terms?
    Mineralized plaque on teeth
  • What are glossal fimbriae?
    Fleshy projections from the tongue's edge
  • What are the possible locations of inflammation in the oral cavity?
    • Stomatitis: Oral cavity
    • Pharyngitis: Pharynx
    • Glossitis: Tongue
    • Gingivitis: Gums
    • Periodontitis: Supporting structures of teeth
    • Tonsillitis: Tonsils
    • Cheilitis: Lips (various types)
  • What is canine epulis?
    Gingival mass in premolar/molar region
  • What are the types of canine epulis?
    Focal fibrous hyperplasia, fibro-osseous, acanthomatous
  • What causes canine oral papilloma?
    Canine papillomavirus
  • What is the primary cause of eosinophilic granuloma/ulcer in cats?
    The cause is uncertain
  • What is the causative agent of Foot-and-Mouth Disease?
    A picornavirus of the Aphthovirus genus
  • What are the clinical signs of Foot-and-Mouth Disease?
    Lameness, loss of condition
  • How do pigs, cattle, and sheep differ in their roles regarding Foot-and-Mouth Disease?
    Pigs amplify, cattle indicate, sheep maintain virus
  • What is the cause of Bovine Viral Diarrhea/Mucosal Disease?
    Pestivirus genus of the Flaviviridae family
  • What are the clinical signs of BVD/MD?
    Abortions, mummified fetuses, stillbirths
  • What happens if a fetus is infected with BVD before 120 days of gestation?
    Persistent infection without cell damage
  • What causes Malignant Catarrhal Fever?
    Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 and Ovine Herpesvirus 2
  • What type of hypersensitivity reaction is involved in MCF?
    Type IV hypersensitivity reaction
  • What are the lesions associated with Malignant Catarrhal Fever?
    Keratoconjunctivitis, lymphoid hyperplasia, enterotyphlocolitis
  • What is rinderpest caused by?
    A morbillivirus of the Paramyxoviridae family
  • What are the lesions associated with rinderpest?
    Small erosions on teeth and hard palate
  • How does bluetongue affect sheep?
    Causes tongue cyanosis and petechiae
  • What are the specific diseases caused by parapoxviruses?
    • Bovine papular stomatitis
    • Contagious ecthyma
    • Parapox in deer
  • What causes oral necrobacillosis?
    Fusobacterium necrophorum
  • What is actinobacillosis commonly known as?
    Woody tongue
  • What are the lesions associated with actinomycosis?
    Mandibular osteomyelitis and sulfur granules
  • What is a ranula?
    Dilated sublingual or submandibular duct
  • What is a salivary mucocele?
    Pseudocyst not lined by epithelium
  • What is sialolithiasis?
    Salivary gland stone
  • What are the main diseases affecting the oral cavity?
    • Vesicular diseases (e.g., FMD, VS)
    • BVD/MD
    • Malignant Catarrhal Fever
    • Exotic erosive/ulcerative diseases
    • Papular/ulcerative diseases
    • Bacterial and fungal stomatitis
    • Diseases of the salivary glands