
Cards (38)

  • non scholae sed vitia discimus
    "we learn not for school but for life"
    (Seneca the younger, Epistulae Morales ad Lucium)
  • mendacem memorem esse opertet

    a liar ought to have a good memory
    (Quintillian, Institution Oratorid, iv.ii, 91)
  • musica est mentis medicina maesta

    music is medicine for the mind
  • tuebor
    I will defend
    (state seal of Michigan)
  • virtute non verbis
    by virtue not words
  • aurea mediocritas
    the golden moon
    (Horace, Odes 2.X)
  • aut viam inveniam aut facium
    either I will find a way or I will make one
    (possibly Hannibal)
  • si quaeris paeninsulam amonem circumspice
    if you seek a friendly peninsula look around
  • mitto tibi navem prora puppique carentem
    i am sending you a ship missing the prow and the stern
  • carthago delenda est
    carthage must be destroyed
    (Cato the Elder)
  • carpe diem; quam minimum credula postera

    seize the day, trust in tomorrow as little as possible
    (Horace, Odes 1.II)
  • sine qua non
    without which not
  • carpent tua pomd nepotes
    your descendants will pick your fruit
    (Vergil, Edogues, IX.50)
  • de guistibus non est diputandum

    about likes we should not argue
  • gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres

    all of Gaul is divided into three parts
    (Julius Ceasar, De Bello Gallico, 1.1)
  • momento mori
    remember you will die/be mindful of death
  • ipsa scientia potesta est
    knowledge itself is power
    (Sir Francis Bacon)
  • gutta cavat iapidem non vi sed saepe cadendo
    a drop carves stone (not by force but by failing often)
    (Ovid, Epistulae Ex Pronto 4.10.5)
  • imperium in imperio
    an empire in an empire
    (state motto of Ohio)
  • docendo discimus
    we learn by teaching
    (Seneca the younger)
  • alea iacta est
    the die has been cast
    (Julius Ceasar, as he crossed the Rubicon- separated Gaul and Italy)
  • vera amicitia est inter bonos
    the friendship is only among good people
    (Cicero, De Amicitia)
  • nil sine numine
    nothing without the deity divine favor
    (Vergils Aeneid & Colardo state motto)
  • cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude
    with praise, with great praise, with highest praise
  • veni, vidi, vici
    I came I saw I conquered
    (Julius Ceasar, Battle of Zela, 47 B.C.)
  • si vis amari, ama

    if you want to be loved, love
    (Seneca the younger, Epistulae Morales 1.9)
  • festina lente
    hurry slowly
  • fluctuat nec mergitur
    she is tossed by the waves but does not sink
    (motto of Paris)
  • semper fedelis
    always faithful
    (U.S. Marine Corps)
  • semper supra
    always above
    (U.S. Space Force)
  • non sibi sed patriae semper fortis
    not for self but for country
    always strong/brave
    (unofficial motto of U.S. Navy)
  • ense petit placidam sub libertarte quietem

    by the sword we seek peace but peace only under liberty
    (Massachusetts state motto)
  • salus populi suprema lex esto

    the safety of the people should be the supreme law
    (Missouri state motto & Cicero & de Legibus III.III 8)
  • draco dormiens numquam titillandus
    never tickle a sleeping dragon
    (motto of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly)
  • ignorantia legis nemimem excusat
    ignorance of the law excuses no one
  • ad astra per aspera
    to the stars through difficulty
    (Kansas state motto)
  • dimidum facti qui coepit habet
    he who has begun has half the work done
  • abeunt studia in mores
    habits turn into morals
    (Ovid, Heriodes)