involves learning to associate something of which we originally have no fear (NS) with something that triggers a fear response (UCS) so that fear response (CR) is achieved from the original stimuli (CS)
Stimulus generalisation
phobias can be generalised to other similar stimuli
'Little Albert' experiment - white rat phobia was generalised to other white things
Maintenance by operant conditioning
takes place when behaviour is reinforced or punished (positively and negatively)
--> when a phobic stimulus is avoided, the reduction in fearnegatively reinforces the behaviour so the phobia is maintained
(TP) + Good explanatory power
explains how phobias can be maintained over time which has important implication for therapy
(TP) - Alternative explanations for avoidance
avoidance isn't always the result of anxiety reduction but is sometimes motivated by other factors e.g. safety (Buck)
(TP) - Incomplete explanation of phobias
may be evolutionary factors involved, not all phobias follow traumatic events (classical conditioning) e.g. phobia of snakes having never met one
(TP) - Other aspects of phobias
behavioural approach only focuses on behavioural characteristics not cognitive or emotional
--> reductionist approach, only a partial explanation