animal hormones

Cards (46)

  • What is a hormone?
    A chemical substance produced by a gland
  • How do hormones affect target organs?
    They alter the activity of specific target organs
  • What hormone is produced by the thyroid gland?
  • What hormone is produced by the pancreas?
  • What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands?
  • What hormone is produced by the testes?
  • What hormone is produced by the ovaries?
  • What are the main components of the nervous and endocrine systems?
    • Nervous system: nerves (neurones), brain, spinal cord
    • Endocrine system: glands
  • What type of message does the nervous system use?
    Electrical impulses
  • What type of message does the endocrine system use?
    Chemical hormones
  • How fast is the transmission speed of the nervous system?
    Very fast
  • How fast is the transmission speed of the endocrine system?
  • What is the length of effect for nervous system messages?
    Short - until nerve impulses stop
  • What is the length of effect for endocrine system messages?
    Longer - until hormone is broken down
  • What hormone regulates thyroxine levels?
    TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone)
  • Where is thyroxine secreted from?
    The thyroid gland
  • What does thyroxine stimulate?
    The metabolic rate at rest
  • What happens if thyroxine levels are too high?
    TSH release is inhibited
  • What happens if thyroxine levels fall below normal?
    TSH release is increased
  • What are the effects of adrenaline?
    Increases blood glucose concentration
  • How does adrenaline affect heart rate?
    It increases heart rate
  • What does adrenaline do to blood flow?
    Diverts blood flow towards muscles
  • What does adrenaline do to pupils?
    Dilates pupils for more light
  • What does adrenaline do to glycogen in the liver?
    Breaks down glycogen to glucose
  • What does testosterone stimulate?
    Sperm production
  • What physical changes does oestrogen cause?
    Breast development
  • What is the role of progesterone?
    Maintains the lining of the uterus
  • What does FSH do?
    Stimulates maturation of an egg
  • What does LH do?
    Stimulates ovulation of eggs
  • What are the stages of the menstrual cycle?
    1. Menstruation lasts 5-7 days
    2. Thickening of the uterus lining
    3. Ovulation occurs around day 14
    4. Egg travels to the uterus
    5. Maintenance of the uterus lining
  • What hormone causes the egg to mature in the ovary?
  • What hormone stimulates ovulation?
  • What hormone is involved in building up the lining of the uterus?
  • What hormone is required to maintain the lining of the uterus?
  • What happens if the egg is not fertilised?
    • Corpus luteum breaks down
    • Progesterone levels drop
    • Menstruation occurs
  • What happens if fertilisation occurs?
    • Corpus luteum continues producing progesterone
    • Prevents breakdown of the uterus lining
    • Placenta secretes progesterone during pregnancy
  • What does the Combined Pill contain?
    Oestrogen and progesterone
  • How effective is the Combined Pill at preventing pregnancy?
    Over 99% effective
  • How does high oestrogen affect FSH production?
    Inhibits FSH production
  • What role does progesterone play in the Combined Pill?
    Inhibits release of mature eggs