Genetic explanation

Cards (8)

  • Genetic explanation
    1. Genetic vulnerability
    2. Candidate genes
    3. OCD is polygenic
    4. Different types of OCD
  • Genetic Vulnerability
    • diathesis-stress model says certain genes create OCD vulnerability but require an environmental trigger
  • Candidate genes
    • specific genes which create the vulnerability
    • COMT gene - dopamine
    • SERT gene - serotonin
  • OCD is polygenic
    • not caused by one gene but possibly up to 230 different ones
  • Different types of OCD
    • caused by different groups of genes in different people - etiologically heterogeneous
  • (G) + Good supporting evidence
    • study reviewed findings from twin studies and found 68% identical and 31% non shared OCD --> showing strong genetic influence
    - Concordance rate isn't 100% for identical twins so there must be other factors
  • (G) - Too many candidate genes
    • not much success in pinning down specific genes and each one only increases the risk fractionally so its unlikely it will ever be useful
    + Small amount of utility for predicting risk of developing OCD
  • (G) - Environmental risk factor
    • study found over 50% of OCD patients had suffered trauma, more trauma = more OCD, but not 100% so questions diathesis-stress model