low serotonin means normal transmission of mooddoesn't happen
Decision making systems
some OCD is linked to impaired decision making associated with abnormal functioning of frontal lobe (logical thinking and decisions)
The Worry circuit
Orbitofrontal cortex sends 'worry signals' to thalamus
Caudate nucleusinhibits the signals (which are sent back if they get through)
CNunderactivity and/or OFCoveractivity leads to OCD
(N) + Some supporting evidence
evidence supports the role of neural mechanisms in OCD e.g. some anti-depressants (serotonin) work so they must be treating the cause of OCD
(N) - Drugs are not 100% effective
which suggests other factors must be involved meaning the neural explanation is only a partial one
(N) - We shouldn't assume the neural mechanisms cause OCD
there is evidence that various neurotransmitters and brain structure dont function normally with OCD, but the abnormalities may be a result of the illness not necessarily the cause