Neural explanation

Cards (7)

  • Neural Explanation
    1. Role of neurotransmitters
    2. Decision making systems
    3. The worry circuit
  • Role of neurotransmitters
    • serotonin (mood - obsessions), dopamine (motivation - compulsions)
    • low serotonin means normal transmission of mood doesn't happen
  • Decision making systems
    • some OCD is linked to impaired decision making associated with abnormal functioning of frontal lobe (logical thinking and decisions)
  • The Worry circuit
    • Orbitofrontal cortex sends 'worry signals' to thalamus
    • Caudate nucleus inhibits the signals (which are sent back if they get through)
    • CN underactivity and/or OFC overactivity leads to OCD
  • (N) + Some supporting evidence
    • evidence supports the role of neural mechanisms in OCD e.g. some anti-depressants (serotonin) work so they must be treating the cause of OCD
  • (N) - Drugs are not 100% effective
    • which suggests other factors must be involved meaning the neural explanation is only a partial one
  • (N) - We shouldn't assume the neural mechanisms cause OCD
    • there is evidence that various neurotransmitters and brain structure dont function normally with OCD, but the abnormalities may be a result of the illness not necessarily the cause