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  • Although some interviews may be conducted over the phone, most involve a face to face interaction between interviewer and interviewee.
  • There are two boarder types of interview, these are structured and unstructured.
  • Structured:
    Made up of pre-determined questions which are asked in a fixed order.
  • This is like a questionnaire but conducted face to face or over the phone in real time.
  • Unstructured-
    Alot like a conversation.
  • No set questions, but there is an aim that a certain topic will be discussed.
  • Interview is free-flowing
  • Interviewers can follow up from answers.
  • Semi-Structured:
    Many interviews are likely to fall somewhere between structured and unstructured.
  • There is a list of questions prepared in advance, but interviewers can follow up answers.
  • Structured
    Easier to replicate due to their standardised format-Increasing reliability.
  • Weaknesses-
    However, it's difficult for interviewers to deviate from the topic or for the interviewees to expand on their answers-lacks validity and depth.
  • Unstructured:
    Much more flexible
    Interviewer can follow up on points if and when they arise gaining more insight and understanding-increasing validity.
  • Weaknesses-
    Trying to analyse the data can be challenging often because open ended questions are used(qualitative data.)
  • There is always the risk of interviewees being unfaithful for reasons of social desirability.