Cards (3)

  • Strength- Usefulness in explaining the whole person:
    • Refuses to reduce behaviour into reductionist elements e.g. neurotransmitters of stimulus -> response link 
    • Explains all factors that affect our development- provides valid explanation in a real-world context
  • Weakness- Concept lacks testability:
    • Self-actualisation & congruence aren’t tangible concepts
    • Not objectively measurable
    • Decreases the scientific credibility- due to its subjectiveness
  • Weakness- opposing theories to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:
    • Social Learning Theory- argues that most of our behaviour is learnt from experiments through the observation & imitation of others
    • Behaviourist Approach- argues that we learn through either classical or operant conditioning
    • Theories- contrast Maslow’s idea that has hierarchy of needs motivates our behaviour
    • Decreases the validity of the Approach- may be other aspects that influence our behaviour