Seismic waves

Cards (11)

  • Whenever large-scale events like volcanoes, earthquakes & explosions happen, they produce seismic waves that spread out in every direction & travel through the different layers of the earth.
  • The two types of seismic waves:
    • P-waves
    • S-waves
  • P-waves:

    A type of seismic wave.
    • Longitudinal waves
    • Can travel through solids & liquids
    • Faster than s-waves
    • can pass through the liquid outer core
  • S-waves:

    • A type of seismic wave
    • Transverse waves
    • Can only travel through solids
    • Theoretically can pass through the solid inner core
    • but can’t reach it as it’s surrounded by the liquid outer core
    • By studying how the waves travel through the earth, scientists are able to figure out its internal structure to understand what the earth is made of.
  • Seismologist can detect the waves using devices called seismometers.
    • By comparing those result with other seismologists all around the world.
    • They can work out how long it took the waves to travel from the earthquake site to different parts of the earth.
    • This gives them clues about the structure of the earth
  • When seismic waves reach a boundary between two different mediums of different densities, they can be:
    • reflected
    • absorbed
    • transmitted
    • refracted
  • Between the mantle & the liquid outer core, there’s a sudden change in density.
    • so when seismic waves reach the boundary, there's a sudden change in the direction of the wave.
    • Since the liquid outer core itself isn’t all the same density either, as waves pass through it, they’re constantly being refracted slightly.
    • It seems to curve as they slowly change direction.
    • The same thing happens in the mantle, which isn’t all the same density, so the waves are refracted & seem to curve.
  • Scientists were able to discover the internal structure of the earth by:
    • Measuring which types of waves could be detected at different places around the earth.
    • P-waves can travel through solids & liquids while s-waves can only travel through solids.
  • S-waves produced at one region of the earth can’t be detected on the opposite side of the earth.
  • P-waves produced at one region of the earth can be detected almost everywhere of the earth.