CBT - reducing addiction

Cards (7)

  • CBT
    -aims to challenge the irrational/faulty beliefs and ways of thinking that lead people to engage in behaviours.
  • CBT - identify
    -high risk situations, thought processes before and after engaging in an addictive behaviour. Development of client-therapist relationship is essential.
  • CBT - challenge
    -Explore and challenge irrational beliefs that may lead to addictive behaviour. e.g illusion of control - cognitive restructuring.
  • CBT - equip
    develop social skills
  • Functional analysis involves 

    -client and therapist together identify the high intensity situation in which the client is likely to gamble or use a substance of addiction.
    -The therapist reflects on what the client is thinking before, during and after such a situation.
    -Relationship should be warm, collaborative and responsive, however the therapist must challenge the clients cognitive biases.
  • Cognitive restructuring
    -Educating and challenging irrational thoughts e.g. education abouot probability and cognitive biases.
    -Education about affects of nicotine on the body and brain.
    -If we have been educated about the cues then we can identify and stop the triggers from happening.
    -Ability to enjoy life without substance. e.g. someone may not believe they can have fun without drinking.
  • Skills training
    -The therapist will use a wide range of skills training techniques for the clients, starting with the basics and then moving to more individually tailored methods such as social sill training.